In Flow Project

We often forget that we were once children, filled with all the creative possibilities of the cosmos inside us.  We grow up and grow rigid. And when something like doodling or playing with paint reminds us of our childlike nature, it lightens up our day (and then our life.)

As an artist, and a massage therapist I understand the link between our bodies, our health and our creativity and I love sharing tools that work for me.

That’s why I created this very simple ‘doodling’ workshop to show people how easy it is to connect to your creativity every day with simple exercises, and to use doodling as a tool to get calm when we are feeling stressed.
I call these workshops “Doodle Playdates”.

How Doodling Helps Me To Stay In My Flow

I use the process of doodling with spontaneous marks to keep my hands busy, to move anxious energy out of my body, and to keep my creative juices flowing.

My favorite benefit of doodling is that it keeps me in the present moment. 

When we are present, our brain relaxes, the nervous system calms down, we breathe differently.

Space is created in our minds and in our thoughts.

Thoughts start to organize themselves and slow down.

We learn to trust our intuition.

As an artist, daily doodling has definitely improved my drawing skills!

A surprising effect of doodling is that creative solutions to problems can arise out of ‘nowhere’ like magic.
Doodling is more powerful than you might think!

I look forward to sharing this simple and powerful creative tool with you to help you restore your flow.

Anyone can doodle! No art talent is required.

We are all born creative.

With a regular ‘Doodling Practice’ you can:



  • De-stress and relax your mind and body

  • Become aware of what’s really going on inside your mind

  • Notice how outcome and product constantly drive your performance, and how healing it can be to relax and let go of the attachment to making something perfect.

  • Enhance your drawing /painting skills (not drawing a picture – just understanding the medium you work with)

  • Open up your creative flow 

  • Improve your ability to problem solve

  • Improve your hand-eye coordination and handwriting skills

  • Enhance your ability to learn, and retain information

  • Come up with awesomely creative ideas and solutions to problems – beyond what you could ever have “thought up”.





“I can express myself, I can lose myself in the moment, I can meditate and calm myself, I can find answer to something, and I can do it anywhere! I love that I don’t have to have something to show for it at the end.” – Katrina

“I love feeling when to leave a blank and when to fill one in. I love the feeling of flowing with a thought without judging it. This doodling stuff really does teach you more than just doodling. We should doodle life, it’d be more fun”- Tegwyn

“This was liberating. I’m going to go home and process all I have learnt about moving through the limitations of perfectionism. Thank you.” – Cindy

“You have a lovely way of making everyone feel totally at ease, and I really appreciate the way that you pay close attention,  noting subtle shifts in our energy, etc., and seamlessly address them in conjunction with our art making.” – Jenny 

This is a wonderful way to let your mind wander and wonder too…. thanks again for opening this door. Your workshop really is powerful.”  ~ Tegwyn

“It brought back memories of doodling repetitive marks as a child, which calmed me. I had forgotten that I used to doodle as a child to keep myself calm” – Janet

“You have woken a sleeping doodler – thank you for the additional play you have introduced me to! Thanks for an awesome workshop.” – Tina

Customized Doodle Playdate for a Client's Birthday Celebration

Here’s how to experience a Doodle Playdate with me:


  • I offer access to my FREE DOODLE PLAYDATE VIDEO when you join my mailing list.
  • Occasionally, I offer in-person or online Doodle Playdates – be on my mailing list to get updates.
  • You can also ask me to facilitate your personal Doodle Playdate for a group that you are organizing (online or in-person).
    Just send me an email directly: 

In the Free Doodle Playdate Video that I offer when you sign up for my newsletter,

you will learn how doodling can:

  • relax your body,
  • get you more present and centered,
  • calm your thinking,
  • focus your attention

Come prepared to let go of all expectations, and see what surprises arise from your True Creativity.


I look forward to sharing this simple, but powerful practice with you.


Are you ready to doodle? 

Grab pen and paper and sign up below to receive access to the Free Doodle Playdate Video