How Creative Do You “Think” You Are?

I think of life as One Big Creative Act. 

No matter how you express your creativity in your life, the question is – do you? And do you do it with curiosity and fascination, or do you judge it and wish it (you) were ‘better’ at it. ?

Or do you have a perfectionist inside you that stops you from creating at all? 

Now, before you run away, saying “but I’m not an artist”, you need to know that I refer to creative output as anything you do in your life that gives you greater vitality and joy and maybe even shifts things a bit to make life more inspiring for you and those around you.

It could be cooking, creating magical holidays, writing business proposals or running a company. Maybe it’s gardening, taking care of your home or your elderly parents, nursing a sick child, inventing new cocktails to share with your fun neighbors, or going for run.

The point is, do you view everything in your life as an opportunity to express your True Creative Nature?

I know only too well that sometimes, we can get stuck in the hum drum of life, or feel restricted by our responsibilities and commitments to others, or stuck in a repetitive way of living that does not make us feel vital or joyful. We get stuck and think we are not creative.

Even as an artist (and I know other artists who also experience this), I get stuck in my head, with my doubts and my responsibilities and I forget that making art gives me joy, and that if just get something onto the canvas, my energy will shift. It always does!

I like to call this “ True Creativity” – the kind that flows from deep within you, that has no logic to it, but you ‘know’ it just needs to be expressed. This is often referred to as our ‘genius’ self, or our ‘inner muse’ – it’s the part that is connected to a greater energy of creative flow – the part that is linked to what makes plants grow and whales sing.  It’s the Innate Creative Power of the Universe, or the Creative force of God that flows through all creation. However you like to refer to it – it is a tangible energetic power that is always available to us, to use for the greater good ( or bad – if that’s how people choose to use it). The point is, it is always there, and you can choose at any time to tap into this abundant creative energy to help you to navigate your life with more ease, flow and well, creativity.

I have witnessed myself and many of my students discover the power of the creative act to help shift us from stuck to ‘in-flow’, in our lives.
In the letting go of an expected outcome, and allowing ourselves to get lost in the present moment, in the physical act of making something, surprising things happen.
When you let go, you open up space in your mind, your heart and your art for more
– clarity
– creative inspiration
– inner peace
(Note: Creativity is not related to artistic talent – we are all creative.)

What will you make today to connect with your True Creativity and with your deeper self?

Here’s to your creative flow.

With love,
