clean doodle I’ve reignited my own creative spark, and started ‘doodling’.  It gets the energy out of my system and calms me.  Above is one of my latest doodles. I’ll be sharing more of my doodles in the future…. and if you’d like to purchase one, just pop me a mail. 🙂 ( and feel free to share with others if you find them lovely, just add my name to it, please) Wanna try doodling? Pick up a pen, and JUST DOODLE. Send me your doodles, and tell me how it helped process something for you. I’d love to know if if has the same effect on others. Want to come and learn and practice how to JUST DOODLE?  Let me know. I’m setting up classes, which will also help to rediscover, reignite and rekindle your creative passion for life and living….