Keeping the Creative Flow Going, No Matter Where You Are

I want to say how grateful I am for technology that allows us to share things with each other, and that it allowed me to facilitate two Monday Live FlowPainting sessions while I was in Turkey.

I was there visiting my sick father-in-law for two weeks and so I packed up a small amount of art supplies and my laptop, and hoped that the signal would be strong enough from our little flat in the middle of Marmaris. Happily it was.

This is what I packed:

3 small tubes of paint
some brushes
some charcoal
a pad of 9 x 12 multimedia paper
a small watercolour set pens for doodling (those always go wherever I go)
a white Sharpie paint pen

Working on the tiny kitchen table in our rented apartment, on this much smaller format than I am used to, I at first felt restricted. Then I reminded myself to ‘let go and let flow’.


I played with the materials, and even tore along a painted line to create a kind of 3D doodle. I made multiple ‘monoprints’ with baking paper, and then worked across them all at different times, so that the paint had time to dry in between. I had a lot of fun and at the end, I felt again connected to myself, much calmer, and I didn’t want to stop painting. I was in the flow.

It was also important for me to make the Flowpainting sessions happen and to take this time for myself to recalibrate my nervous system and feel connected to my own life and world too. It’s easy for me to ellipt into other people’s worlds when I am away from my own space and forget my self and my needs, which results in burnout.

It was an important act of exquisite self care to do this. And it was also lovely of course, to connect with the regular Monday Live Flowpainting group of beautiful souls, who have become close to my heart.

Thank you Magdaleen, Kathleen and Wendy for showing up consistently for yourselves every Monday, for each other and for me. And for your creative inner self…. that part of yourself that needs this time to feel more whole, more connected and more vital.

Monday FlowPainting Session on 13 October

I share this all with you today, because I want to remind you of two things:

1. Your creativity matters – as an act of exquisite self care, it’s important and necessary for our mental and physical health to make the time to create.

2. Creating doesn’t have to take up a lot of space, time or resources. The small table, the few paints, time set aside once a week, will help you to consistently get back to a state of flow and stay connected to your deeper inner world, so that you can remain calm, healthy and whole.


I hope this has given you some inspiration to keep creating…. no matter what, how or when you create, just do it. 😁❤️

Creativity is essential for our wellbeing, and I am so aware that as we continue into these times of isolation due to the pandemic, we need to remain connected to our intuition, our community, and to our creative force, because creative solutions to new problems are always needed. And we can find the best solutions when we are calm and cool, and know how to trust our intuition…. when we are in our flow.

I hope you are all well, dear ones. Please let me know what creative endeavors you have been up to in these past weeks… whatever it is, we’d love to see it posted in the comments below or in the In Flow Project Facebook Group.

Be well and stay in your flow.


If you want a place to stay committed to your intuitive creative process, and show up for your own health and wellbeing…. join us for FlowPainting

The 2- Day Flowpainting Experience is the prerequisite for the LIVE Weekly FlowPainting community sessions every Monday.