Let’s Talk About Creativity

“Creativity Conversations Circle” is an online community space for women navigating the ups and downs of creative living. It’s for ‘artists’ and non-artists alike. We are all creative!

In this space online, we talk about what I call ‘True Creativity’- what it means, why it’s important for wholehearted living, it’s effect on us, and how to follow our creative impulses in a healthy way (and we’ll share some ARTY tips along the way).

True Creativity is the creative impulse (or the Muse) that gives us the impulse and then takes us on a journey to create something – be it a baby, a painting, a new business or a creative life.

We’ve had three Creativity Conversations Circles so far this year, and each one has given us wonderful new insights and ways to observe ourselves in the creative cycle.

We’ve shared ideas on how to think about creativity and procrastination and given each other tips that work in real life on how to keep moving when we feel stuck (in life or a creative project.)

Here’s a summary from our conversation on November 1 2023.

At the end of our 90 minute zoom session, we all left feeling that we had been seen and heard, and that we are not alone in our struggles with navigating not only the creative journey, but also the journey of life. 

Jenny felt that the space we hold here gives her the opportunity to put into words the thoughts she’s been grappling with in her mind and through speaking them out, she connects the dots and finds an aha moment. 

Edie felt that she was not alone in her experiences and could relate to others’ suggestions and experiences. The tension in her neck and shoulders dissipated as the session progressed.

And I felt that I got some answers for myself too – that’s why I posed this question as our starting point. It’s what I”m struggling with right now.


We began our chat with this question:

“What do you do when you feel stuck, or in procrastination mode?”

Here were some of the suggestions that came out of our conversation.
And some other important subjects that arose at the end.

Do something other than the thing you are stuck on. Change up your medium or do another activity.

Trust that you’ll get the work done. Eventually.

Connect with someone else – like an ‘accountability buddy’ – but don’t let them police you!

Take one small step towards the big picture.

Give yourself credit for what you HAVE got done. No matter how small it seems.

Go easy on yourself.

Check if you have big expectations – and are they realistic? Let them go.

Feel into your body – where does the stuckness sit? What does this bring up for you?

Emotions are energy – ‘Energy in motion’. Use the energy to create.

Or sit with energy of the ‘stuckness’. What does that reveal to you?

Knowing that we always ‘have choice’ is important. 

Reframe procrastinating thoughts from ‘I should be doing that’ to “ I want to do that”.

Ask yourself questions. Stay curious.

Play. Make a mess. Make something really really bad and ugly. (Wisdom from many seasoned creative souls)

Make moments of stillness happen, so that you can create a sense of order to tackle things.

Practice savouring. Savour a moment that feels good, and when you’re not feeling so good, remember that feeling and allow your body to remember how it felt at that moment. ( Check any sensations and muscle tension, your breath and your heart rate).

Learn about neuroplasticity and nervous system regulation and how to rewire your patterning, knowing that the old patterns will still be part of you and will show up when triggered, and that you will be stronger and be able to bounce back to more healthy functioning much quicker.

Wendy said: “ My only hack for procrastination is to join groups and commit to meeting. It helps me to make the next step and DO what I want to do!”

We also acknowledged that we are part of the greater world and things out there will affect our states of being inside ourselves. We can use it to fuel our creativity, or stop it.

In these epic times, how can we feel the feelings, and not get stuck in them?
How can we keep being a light in the world for those who can’t feel any light right now. Times are hard. Stay in the flow.

Where there is flow, there is health. And light.

Reach out if you need to.

There is always someone who has been where you are right now, and we are here to help each other on this crazy journey called Life.


Are you feeling a call to join us?

You’ll get to know a lovely group of people who are riding the waves of creativity with you. You don’t have to do this alone! 

This community is made up of real people like you and me, who want to help each other to live and work effectively with the Creative Fire that burns inside all of us in healthy ways, and to understand what it means to be creative.

Want to join us yet?

It’s a 90 minute Zoom call

If you can’t make it, you can get the recording if you register.

Monthly on 1st Wednesdays
9am- 10.30am (Pacific Time)

You can register easily by emailing me – brenda@inflowproject.com