Making S P A C E to Stay Healthy

I’ve said it a few times in previous posts, and I”ll say it again:  to stay healthy, we must have strong immune systems. To boost our immunity, we must take care of our nervous system, which means getting out of the ‘sympathetic nervous system response’ (fight/flight/freeze) into the ‘parasympathetic response’ (relaxation) so that our bodily systems can flow and work as they need to, to keep us in good health.

That’s the biological explanation for why we must relax, and the starting point for good health on a physical level.

There is more to it, though.  When we relax fully, calming the busy mind as well as softening muscles and soft tissue, and slowing down the breath, we get in touch with two things that are hidden to us when we are stressed:
Our Emotions.
Our True Creativity.


When we are busy, we cannot access what is really going on in our inner world and will feel and see the  ‘symptoms’ of the stress playing out in our surface, reactive emotions and physical symptoms,  like not being able to sleep, overeating, snapping at our loved ones, etc
We will struggle to find solutions to problems, feel unable to focus and make decisions, feel overwhelmed and generally not be having a good time. 

When we give ourselves the space to relax, we allow S P A C E in between our thoughts, where the creative flow of our innate, true Creativity can drop in with amazing ideas and wonderful intuitive guidance for solutions to the problems that our stressed, thinking mind couldn’t find. When we take care of our nervous systems and get relaxed more often, we can bring light to the dark feelings and emotions that we have been stuffing down, showing us where we need to look to find the source of our unhappiness, and allow us to feel what we are really feeling. In this S P A C E that we have created for ourselves, we get to breathe more fully, express our deepest needs, wants and desires, and listen to our heart’s guidance as to how to move forward into our lives with more love, harmony and joy… and more
F L O W .

Imagine flowing through life like a turtle flows through the ocean, with ease, with grace, in silence, with space and time, no rush. Totally ‘going with the flow’.

When we can experience the WHOLE of ourselves inside the S P A C E of silence and relaxation, (as scary as it may initially feel for many of us – it was for me!), we get to meet ourselves on our deepest level and start to live authentically, as the creative, delighted, playful, loving, expansive, adventurous, generous, joy-filled creatures that we are meant to be while we are on this earth.   

When we feel WHOLE and fully in touch with our creative intuition, we get to choose, very consciously, how we live life, and what we want to bring to the world, to make it a better place for all beings. We get to live fully immersed in the flow of the river that takes us to the big ocean of Love.


Stay Calm
Stay Well
Stay in Flow
Stay Connected

yours in flow,


PS. Book an online Kahuna ‘Nervous System Reset and Relaxation Session” with me here.

PPS. Learn more about making space with Intuitive Creativity here.