This Is For You if You Need a Break From Your Busy Life, and Busy Mind!

Just doodle Dear friends 2015-07-10 15.57.24 sm E doodles – (n.) random, thoughtless drawings on whatever topics happen to be flowing through the artisits’ head. Often done to relieve boredom. Ha ha… I laughed when I read this definition of doodle (it has many others that are even more amusing!) . I must be very bored very often then 🙂 Ive taken to doodling to keep my hands busy, to move anxious energy out of my body, and to keep my creative juices flowing. I am addicted, methinks 🙂 I am certainly never bored. doodle2 Some of you have asked for classes, so I started up DOODLE PLAYDATES (mini classes) where you could come and spend a morning in my lush gardens at Manawa Cottage, with a cuppa tea, nice people, and some pens, pencils and paper, and learn to doodle. Doodling is a great way to let your mind wander and sort out things, its a great way to occupy yourself and calm your nervous system, instead of checking Facebook when you’re killing time ( if ever). And it’s a wonderful way for those who used to draw to get back into the art of drawing without having to make a perfect picture, and slowly build your confidence in drawing skills. Bring a friend. Bring a child. Bring a doodle book and pens ( I’ll have some too) Bring a yummy snack to share for tea. And let’s get creative in a light , lovely way that may just brighten up your day and spark your creative flow. bren on grass e