Unlocking Your Innate Creative Power Can Transform The World

When we learn to trust our innate creative nature and listen to our intuition, we can transform our world.

There is a difference between creativity that comes from the imagination and mind, and creativity that comes from our intuition. The first aims to please and is always for a purpose outside of ourselves. The second has no goal, but to express our deepest wishes, thoughts, and needs, to heal our wounds, and to guide us to feeling more whole and wholehearted.

I’ve always thought of myself as ‘creative’, because I’ve always painted and drawn, I studied Fine Art at university and worked in ‘creative’ industries for years. But none of these made me happy – because I was always creating to satisfy someone else’s criteria or need or idea of what was ‘right’.  I didn’t even know what it felt like to create from my innate creative source – my intuition. I was always creating from my mind and imagination, and from my limited expectations, not my intuition.  

My journey with my art/ creative process is a metaphor for the journey that many people who may be people pleasers or perfectionists experience too.

I was exhausted after 15 years of living this kind of ‘pseudo-creative’ life, creating and living to please others. My energy was depleted. 

When I learnt how to move through life by following my intuition more than my head, Ichanged myself from the inside. And my life radically transformed.

The best tools we have for connecting with our intuition are two things we are born with, and that we all have… our bodies and our innate creativity.

When we connect to our bodies, honestly, authentically and deeply, we can tune in to every little whisper (ache, pain, energy block, emotion), shift ourselves instantly and make the right choices and decisions for ourselves because we know what we need. We just need to be silent and still enough for long enough to hear it.

When we are connected to our bodies, we can also connect more easily to our innate creativity – that creative force that is within all of us which sits in the energy center of your  body, 2 cm below your belly button. It is also called the Sacral Chakra (Indian Vedic), the Hara (Japanese Zen) or the Dan tien (Chinese medicine).

We are part of nature and nature is creativity in action.  We have the same creative force inside us. When we can get still enough for long enough to sense and connect to our innate creativity, our intuition can show up in the most awe-inspiring, surprising and magnificent way to guide us to what steps we need to take next to live a fabulous, colorful, creative, wonderful life.

When we learn to get in touch with our intuition and our innate creativity through our bodies, we can change our lives – and change the world.

In essence, I believe that our innate creative force speaks to us through the intuitive impulses that float through our minds as whispers, or hit us in the gut (you know that expression ‘ trust your gut’). It is that ‘deep knowing’ that you have when you know you have to do something or say something, and you can’t stop yourself. And it’s the voice of God, Spirit, The Universe, telling you which way to go – in the direction that will be best for you, and for the highest good of all concerned (and often it looks and sounds like the most crazy, irrational step you could ever take.)

“Creativity is never, and never has been, sensible”. ~ Julia Cameron “The Artist’s Way”

Transformation on the outside begins with self-awareness on the inside of each person.

To be self-aware, we must be connected to our thoughts, our bodies and our innate creativity.

Start practicing to listen to your intuition.
Next time you are at the store, and can’t decide which item to buy, do a body test to allow your intuition to choose for you.

Here’s how:

With empty hands, stand with your feet apart.

Breathe and let your mind go neutral.

Ask your self (your body, your higher intelligent self) to show you a YES. Your body should slightly tilt forward. (Do not  move your feet.)

Then ask your self to show you a NO.  Your body should sway slightly backward.

That is your starting measure.

Now take one  item in your hand and hold it at your chest center.
Breathe and let your mind go neutral.
Ask your self something like “Is this item best for my body right now”.
If your body tilts forward – it’s a Yes.
If your body sways backward – it’s a No.

Have fun learning to trust your intuition.

Your body knows best.

Unlock Your Innate Creative Power,
and Connect to Your Intuition:

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