How To Slow Down Your Thinking

When I feel overwhelmed by to-do lists, or emotional worry about loved ones, I find that my mind runs in overdrive at high-speed – and causes extreme anxiety. Can you relate?

What I have discovered is that if I slow down my thinking, I feel better. I don’t try to quieten my mind – I focus on one thought at a time. Like thinking in slow motion.

I know from my own experience that I can S – L – O – W down my thinking, by moving…. slowly. Big long stretches, or deep strong yoga poses that challenge my breath to deepen, help my thoughts to slow down, and focus my mind in the present.

I’ve always known that movement is medicine, and in this past year, it has become even more so for me. When I don’t excercise or dance , my anxiety rises.

Then, when you add creativity to movement you have mind-medicine on steroids! If you have been following my Instagram feed, or attending the InFlowPainting workshops with me, you will know how powerful creativity is for healing. 

And if you have received Kahuna massage from me, you will know how deeply healing and calming breath- and bodywork can be. 

Add to all of this the power of intention, and you have medicine for your heart, soul, body and mind that becomes a supercharged healing force.

All of these practices (just like a yoga practice, or a swimming routine, or a walking programme or a dance class regimen, a daily journaling practice) are powerful in bringing us into the present moment. They can slow down our breath and thinking, and bring our awareness to the tiny details of life, and the deep subconscious patterns of thinking that really run our lives.

And only when we are aware of these patterns, can we begin to make small changes to heal our inner worlds.

Starting with one thought at a time, is a good place to begin for me today.

How can you slow down your busy mind today? 

Follow my art journey on Instagram : @brendaloukes_artist