Recently I’ve been asked “WHAT EXACTLY DO YOU DO?”

My short answer is:  From my own life experience, I have developed a passion for helping people to connect with their own inner guidance and body’s wisdom to navigate through life with more ease  and creativity . Nothing is perfect, but I love what I do, and I’ve seen the positive results of my work in my own life and in others. 

The more detailed answer is :  I have been on this journey of self discovery and self empowerment since I was 14 years old. I am now 48, and still learning about life and learning to trust the body and it’s wisdom to guide my choices.  Using modalities which teach us to connect with the body (we live in a very mind-orientated world),  and ignite creativity,   I assist people to find parts of themselves that may have got lost in the busy-ness of life, to heal the deep hurts a little bit, help bring a sense of peace, and give them the energy and inspiration from inside themselves to keep moving forward into the mystery of their own life  with ease, gentleness and creative flow.

To do this, here’s what I offer:


Kahuna Massage and Bodywork aims to unblock stuck energy in a person’s body and create more flow for health.

Originating in Hawaii, Kahuna Massage is an ancient form of bodywork where the therapist uses forearms, hands and elbows in a deep, gentle and rhythmic flow of strokes over the entire body, head to toe, to release muscle tension and mental stress. Alongside the many physical benefits of the massage, many recipients find that they are left wtih a heightened awareness of their consistent thoughts and feelings, habits and belief systems, and the impact that these have on their overall health and wellbeing.

What makes Kahuna Massage Unique?

Like the ebb and flow of the ocean, the natural dance-like rhythm in a massage session is a key ingredient that lulls one into deep relaxation and has a calming effect on the mind and emotions.

What else about Kahuna?

Suffering from intense exhaustion and fatigue?  Try a Polynesian Floor  Treatment. Grounding and soothing, it will calm your nervous system and induce deep healing rest.

Want to celebrate a relationship? (boyfriend, husband, partner, friend, child, mother)?  Book a Couples Massage to strengthen the bond.  Two massage practitioners work on you both at the same time. 

Pregnant?  The pregnancy massage is a beautiful, gentle massage that relaxes the mom and deepens the connection between mom and babe.

Need deep, effective release of muscle tension, and healing rest?  Try a Four Hand Massage.  Two practitioners work simultaneously, intensifying the sensation of touch, so that the mind and muscles relax quickly. Excellent for athletes and workaholics! 


 FlowPainting compliments the work of Kahuna.  It is a flowing,  body-centred, intuitive painting process for getting in touch with what’s going on inside you. Give yourself the gift of silence and listen to your soul, paint from your heart. No art experience required. It’s about the process, not the product. It’s about the journey, not the destination.


Doodling keeps creative juices flowing in your life…

Doodling has become a fad. But I’ve been doodling my whole life. I’m sure you have too. I’ve created doodles while waiting for life to happen. In a queue, at a lunch, in front of the TV, while chatting on the phone, or taking time out to catch my breath. The final result is always surprising! And more often than not, satisfying. And the more I doodle, the more creative impulses fill my life and my mind in other areas of my life. And I step into the flow of life and creativity with ease. It’s all a remarkable journey that continues as long as I stay connected to my creative self.


Just doodle

Join me for a Doodle Playdate or a FlowPainting Workshop. Email me for upcoming dates.

YOU CAN also create your own special event with friends or family – book a Doodle Playdate or FlowPainting morning and bring your friends to spend time together in a fun way that will feed your souls and open your hearts.