Using FlowPainting and Doodling to Ignite Creativity

paintbrush pink My favourite inspiring Intuitive Artist on the internet is a wonderful woman called Shelley Klammer.

I have followed her for about ten years now, and all her experience and sharing has brought so much to my own art and creative processes… and healing in my life.

She says that “we become true artists when we quiet our minds and let our creativity come through us.”

The key is to relax and allow whatever needs to flow through your hand , flow onto the paper.  Whether I am painting or doodling these days, I do just that.  I just allow whatever energy there is in my hand to get out onto the paper.


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There is a healing effect that takes place.  It can express the agitation in my nervous system and slowly become calmer, or it can be a reflective slow doodling mark that emerges, which reflects a more calm state of mind and wondering feeling.  The more I create from a deeper, intuitive place inside me, and less from my mind and my imagination, the more creative and surprising the images are.


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Sometimes they are whimsical, sometimes quite busy and dark, and sometimes, light and spacious.  But whatever they are, I don’t judge or add meaning to them. I usually show them to my family and loved ones and ask what funny things they see in them.  And everyone sees something different.  I find it quite amusing and always fascinating.

Daily Doodling, or regular FlowPainting keeps my creative juices flowing. 


 ” The FlowPainting gave me the opportunity to dig deep and find that creative passion I sometimes hide away. Having time by myself to paint freely, without interruption, was a true gift. My soul felt alive! Although at first it was intimidating staring at a blank sheet of paper I eventually got going and allowed my thoughts, feeling and emotions to spill out and colour my page. My favourite part of the whole thing was that I taught myself not to judge, criticize or compare my painting.  it was a journey filled with creative fun, digging deep inside and coming out a more open free-spirited person. An entire day dedicated to doing what I love – painting and being creative. So much of my time in school and life afterwards is spent criticizing and judging myself and those around me. I often feel limited and bound by the chains society holds me in. However, when experiencing flow painting I was shown that each person has so much to give of themselves and when set free they can soar to great places!  I really enjoyed painting in silence in the beautiful garden. At the very end of the day, when i should have felt tired, I felt energized and full of passion!”
